Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Tuesday announced a monthly old age dole of Rs 1000 to 5,544 Lankan Tamils living in refugee
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hacker group denies 'Kill Facebook' claim
Hacking group Anonymous has denied claims that it wants to destroy Facebook, saying the whole thing 'has been a misunderstanding'
Europe’s crisis and the psychology of fear
Government ready for talks with Anna Hazare on Lokpal: Chidambaram
NEW DELHI: The government is ready for talks on the Lokpal Bill but it is for civil society leader Anna Hazare
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
India's richest man could face luxury home probe
India's richest man Mukesh Ambani faces a possible federal probe into the construction of his 27-storey luxury home -- one of the most expensive private residences in the world.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Meet the US woman who lives with 700 cats on her 12-acre sanctuary!
Lynea Lattanzio of Parlier, California, lives alone with 700 cats on her 12-acre spread, where she runs a huge cat sanctuary, and yet insists that she is not crazy
Oz porn king planning 'world’s biggest brothel' in Sydney
ngpin of Australia’s adult toy industry Malcolm Day has begun raising money for what he claims will be the
Soon, manage your diabetes with your mobile phone!
A new study by University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers has indicated that an interactive computer software program appears